120 Our Entrenchment's Aug 18 1898 before Manilla

Filipino Prisoners of WAr, in Old Manila, Philippine Islands
(1899 Underwood & Underwood)

128 Bringing in Wounded at Manila
(Tinted, unknown publisher)

110 Three of Our Boys, Manila
(T.W. Ingersoll)

3524 Officers of the Insurgent Army, prisoners in Postigo Prison,
Manila, Philippine Islands (1901 H.C. White)

13719 Major-General Henry W. Lawton's body in the Chapel at Paco
Cemetery, Manila, P.I. (1900 B.W. Kilburn)

13540 Decorating the graves of our fallen heroes, Decoration Day, Manila, P.I.
(1900 B.W. Kilburn)

13542 Grave of one of the 20th Kansas Boys on Decoration Day at
Paco Cemetery, P.I.  (1900 B.W. Kilburn)